Episode 101: Good Policies Make for Good Solutions: AMA Style Episode

Episode 101: Good Policies Make for Good Solutions: AMA Style Episode

In this episode of What the Hell Just Happened?!, CEDR CEO and Founder Paul Edwards shares how to address an employee being harassed by patients and actionable steps you can take to have clear dress code policies to prevent the “just rolled out of bed” look from your...

Episode 99: Why Every Practice Needs A Good Employee Handbook

Episode 99: Why Every Practice Needs A Good Employee Handbook

In this episode of What the Hell Just Happened?!, CEDR CEO and Founder Paul Edwards is joined by Kimberlee Polansky to share the importance of having a well written handbook provided by experts, and actionable steps you can take to ensure all your employees follow the...

Episode 97: The Two-Way Street of At-Will Employment

Episode 97: The Two-Way Street of At-Will Employment

In this episode of What the Hell Just Happened?!, CEDR CEO and Founder Paul Edwards is joined by Divya Pillai to share the importance of staying compliant with timekeeping errors by employees, and actionable steps you can take to avoid common timekeeping pitfalls....

Episode 95: Turning Blockers Into Champions

Episode 95: Turning Blockers Into Champions

In this episode of What the Hell Just Happened?!, CEDR CEO and Founder Paul Edwards is joined by Michelle Richard to share the importance of recognizing and addressing “blockers” in your dental practice, and actionable steps you can take to turn those individuals into...

Episode 94: Political Tension in the Workplace

Episode 94: Political Tension in the Workplace

It’s Election Day, and your team members may have a lot on their minds - including the political choices of their coworkers. Join Paul Edwards and his guest, Jeff Dorfman, as they discuss the political tensions we are seeing in workplaces across the country, and why...

Episode 91: How to Tell Your Employee They Stink

Episode 91: How to Tell Your Employee They Stink

Telling an employee that they smell bad is a tough and rather personal conversation that many office managers and owners avoid. Whether you’ve had patients or other employees complain, or have noticed the odor yourself, it can be tricky to tell an employee that they...

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