New and Improved HR Requests: You’ve Been Upgraded!

What’s the latest and greatest benefit to being a CEDR member? This week, it’s the new and improved HR Requests system.

We confess. We’ve been tinkering. Behind the scenes at CEDR Headquarters, we’re constantly working on new upgrades to our services. Our goal is to make our products and software as intuitive and user-friendly as possible—and guess what? We found a new way to do just that!

Want to see it for yourself? Click here!

You can now access HR Requests through the Members Area.

This is a HUGE upgrade for all of our members, and we couldn’t be more excited. For the first time, CEDR members will have instant access to all past and present HR requests at just the click of a button.

What’s more, you will be able to create and track new requests for our HR experts all within the same area of the site.

What does this mean for you? If you’re a CEDR member, your day-to-day HR process is about to get even easier.

Here’s how it works.

How to find your HR Requests

See everyone with requests
Typically, in the past, our members have called or sent an email (which you are still welcome to do) to request help. But now you can also contact us and address all issues relating to your HR questions from a central hub! This makes it easier than ever to reach out for help and guidance from our Solution Center.

Your log of HR Requests will include all written communications between you and your Solution Center Advisors for easy future reference—no more wasted time digging through your inbox. In addition, you will now be able to track the status of any request at a moment’s glance.

Submit a new request or check status at a glance:

Does your request require additional information, or is something awaiting your reply? Still open? Has the situation been resolved? Find out instantly!

The submission process for HR Requests is as simple as “Log in, click, open, submit.” Simply log in to the CEDR Members Area using your pre-existing user name and password. Your “My Account” tab will now include “My HR Requests.” Open that to find your personal log of past and present HR Requests, and an option to submit new requests. Your request goes directly to your Solution Center Advisors, who will begin working on a solution and get back in touch with you.

What if you like to keep email records?

Prefer to receive replies directly in your email? We’ve got you covered! All members will still get an emailed response in addition to finding the correspondence neatly tracked in your HR Requests log. After all, that’s the best part of an upgrade—all the features you love, with new ways to enjoy them.

So, go ahead and submit your request after-hours. Revisit your personalized solution to Terry’s tardiness. Take a look at that policy discussion from last month without searching through email. Notice reoccurring trends among team HR issues. And let us know when you need something new.

We’ll be here for you.

Need a form, a call back, or have a question? Just log in!

If you’ve been meaning to ask us anything, to look up a resource, or you just want to see what we’re so excited about, log in and check out your upgrade right now! Here’s the link to the Members Area. When you’re there, just look for the My Account tab at the top, and click on “My HR Requests.” It’s that simple.

(Are you still here? What are you waiting for?)


Oct 25, 2017

Friendly Disclaimer: This information is general in nature and is not intended to provide legal advice or replace individual guidance about a specific issue with an attorney or HR expert. The information on this page is general human resources guidance based on applicable local, state and/or federal U.S. employment law that is believed to be current as of the date of publication. Note that CEDR is not a law firm, and as the law is always changing, you should consult with a qualified attorney or HR expert who is familiar with all of the facts of your situation before making a decision about any human resources or employment law matter.

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