by Paul Edwards | Nov 5, 2021 | Firing & Separations
One of the hundreds of unique compliance items we monitor on behalf of our members is the final paycheck rules in your state. They vary widely, however the one absolute commonality is that you can never withhold a final paycheck for any reason. Some states simply...
by CEDR HR Solutions | Apr 10, 2014 | Firing & Separations
I think there is a fairly widespread misunderstanding as to the best way for small businesses to conduct exit interviews. There seems to be a feeling that you must meet with the terminated employee in person like they do in the movies. This can easily turn into a...
by Paul Edwards | Jul 26, 2021 | Company Culture & Engagement, Firing & Separations, Mental Health, Team Management, Team Troubleshooting, Uncategorized
Those in the healthcare industry are bound to be ahead of the curve in understanding that mental illness is not a character defect and can be a serious health condition that requires intervention. Despite having a good comprehension of the importance of good mental...
by CEDR HR Solutions | Oct 8, 2013 | Ask an HR Expert, Firing & Separations
“One of my dental employees is on her last leg at the office and coincidentally just today I put an ad out to find a replacement . . . she texted me this evening saying that she hurt her back at the office today putting away water and left early after her back...
by CEDR HR Solutions | May 5, 2014 | Firing & Separations
New: We’ve added an audio-blog to this post! Check it out for a few quick facts about the differences between firing and laying off an employee. CEDR has a feature article up at Learn why employee terminations and layoffs are two very different...
by CEDR HR Solutions | Aug 4, 2014 | Firing & Separations, Team Management
This is a cautionary tale about possibly the worst boss and administrator ever, and the dumbest reason for firing an employee. It all starts with grammar. And eye don’t care who eye offend. Eye knead two speak out about homophonophobia. Now, most of yew reading...