by CEDR HR Solutions | Jun 29, 2022 | Benefits & Compensation, Company Culture & Engagement, Featured, HR News & Insights, Team Management
Inflation is on everyone’s minds right now, and understandably so. Most Americans are aware that the purchasing power of a dollar is always decreasing to some degree, but rarely does the rise in the cost of living have such a powerful impact on our daily lives or...
by CEDR HR Solutions | Aug 17, 2022 | Benefits & Compensation, Company Culture & Engagement
NEXT VIDEO >> HRAs, or Health Reimbursement Arrangements, are the newest and most convenient way for small business owners to provide tax-free health benefits to their employees without dealing with the hassle of a “one-size-fits-all” style...
by Paul Edwards | Feb 23, 2022 | Company Culture & Engagement, Team Management
This article is one of a series in which we make the argument that small-to-medium-sized employers need to adapt and adopt some of the HR habits of their larger competitors. When we say “larger competitors,” we don’t necessarily mean big companies that are vying for...
by Paul Edwards | Sep 27, 2021 | Company Culture & Engagement, HR News & Insights, Team Management, Team Troubleshooting
One of the biggest HR myths is that employees don’t like hearing “negative” feedback. On the contrary, studies reveal that employees are better engaged and happier when they receive both reinforcing feedback (what some people call “positive” feedback) and redirecting...
by Paul Edwards | Aug 13, 2021 | Company Culture & Engagement, Hiring & Onboarding, Team Management, Team Troubleshooting
Of the more than 12,000 dental and medical practices who are members of CEDR or HR Base Camp, the single most frustrating issue reported by practice owners and managers is centered around hiring. There is some good news, sort of. As of the first of July 2021, it...
by Paul Edwards | Aug 20, 2021 | Company Culture & Engagement, HR News & Insights, Team Management, Team Troubleshooting
Chances are, the current childcare crisis has been a major source of frustration for your practice over the past two years. If the calls coming into our Solution Center are any indication, leaders feel wedged between a rock and a hard place, both sympathizing with the...